MasConcepts understands the importance of creating Wills and Trusts and we are here to help you with that task. We provide the most professional service to help you protect your assets and take care of your loved ones.
Revocable Living Trust (state-specific)
Pour-over Will (state-specific)
Warranty Deed (state-specific)
Revocable Living Trust Revocation Form: Used to revoke a trust.
Revocable Living Trust Amendment Form
Living Will (state-specific)
Health Care Power of Attorney (Health Care Proxy) (state-specific)
Durable Power of Attorney
To speak to a MasConcepts representative call toll free at 888-225-4028 or email us at or simply fill out the questionnaire below, thank you.
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Phone Number’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’What service/es are you interested in?’ type=’radio’ options=’Last Will,Living Will,Living Trust,Power of Attorney,Health Care Power of Attorney,Pet Protection Agreement’/][contact-field label=’Comments or Questions’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]